Bored and Frustrated.

I feel like that determination that you get at the beginning of the year is starting to wear off. My remedy to this will need to be going out and getting somewhere with my life. I hope to be able to start earning some cash soon. Anyways, I’m getting tired of the way this blog looks, I’ll probably change the stuff to some other fandom pictures. Hopefully I’ll be more busy in the coming weeks, I’m starting to get bored with all this sitting around. Let me tell you what I did this week, although it’s quite boring.

Monday: I was not required to go to school on Monday because it was presidents day. That basically means I took another day off to watch fairy tail and play starbound.

Tuesday: My first day of school last week, I attended my geology class in which we had the first exam. I got a B, I’m proud of myself.

Wednesday: First I sat through my voice and diction class in which we began learning IPA. Then I did my stage combat class, although I was feeling rather low all day so I don’t think I was terribly into it. Then I did my stage makeup class, I tried to make it look like my face had some sort of disease, but I’m not terribly good at these things.

Thursday: Geology class again, this time we learned about a lot of volcano stuff. We also started learning the rock cycle.

Friday: My first free day, I basically sat about doing nothing, which means I was watching Fairy tail and playing starbound.

Saturday: I don’t like Saturdays, I spent the day packing for our upcoming move. It was quite exhausting.

Sunday: That’s today, well I managed to get ticked off and hide in my room playing starbound, that’s about it though.

Yeah, I really need to work on my people skills. I think that if I don’t get out and start living on my own sometime this year than I’ll go crazy. Thus I’m making that my goal, I’ll keep you posted on how that turns out for me. I hope you all have a more eventful week than I did.

Good luck guys



So this week turned out to be a bit more interesting than originally anticipated. I ended up getting into a few good conversations with some close friends. Right now I’m not sure what my future goals will be, so I’ll just give you the rundown of the week.

Monday: Studying rocks, it’s what I always do on Mondays now. That and staying at school for extended periods of time.

Tuesday: Short day, spent most of it online doing a role play.

Wednesday: Learned how to do crotch kicks for stage, this will come in handy later.

Thursday: More role-playing

Friday: Singles Awareness Day. Basically I did nothing all day.

Saturday: Packing!

Sunday: I spent the night at my best friend’s house, most interesting day I had all week.

Sorry that this seems rushed, but I am a little rushed at the moment, though I can’t say why.

Good luck guys


Busy week

So this week got quite a bit more busy than usual, mostly because I started mt own RP on my favorite forum. It’s been wild week though, I was definitely rushed the whole time. But I did manage to learn a thing or two about grammar and why I shouldn’t use so many commas. I guess that to me it feels as though it’s been more than a week, even though it has only been a week. Here is what I did this week.

Monday: The long day, unfortunatley. I managed to identify more rock samples and then I went over slaps and punches in stage combat class.

Tuesday: Short day, started learning about igneous rocks. I also spent quite a bit of time on my favorite forum, and also playing Starbound.

Wednesday: I had two tests on Wednesday, one for voice and diction and one for stage make-up. Other than that it was mostly uneventful.

Thursday: A day of anticipation and freaking out, the people who I was supposed to meet on Friday began asking all the serious questions, I had to answer most of them. There was also a big family dispute, it ended in lots of regret spewn all over the place.

Friday: The big day of the week, social outing time. I managed to get over to the meeting place Friday evening and found out that only half the people bothered to show up. It was still an enjoyable experience to meet the fellow gamers and to have lots of pizza. After the meeting, one of my friends stayed the night at my house. But only after we spent a few hours awake playing Minecraft. I also discovered the joy of faction servers on Friday.

Saturday: Though not a particularly bad Saturday, I still don’t like them. I had to do house stuff, and bunches of things broke that still need to get fixed. Fortunately, when we move out I’ll never have to look at this silly house again.

Sunday: The week’s lazy day, I spent most of it ripping library CD’s and playing Minecraft. Although my brother spent the day out of sorts from walking around at the renaissance festival for 12 hours on Saturday. Overall it was a relaxed day, and I’m glad I got to enjoy it, but I don’t look forward to Monday morning.

That’s what I did this week, I hope you had an enjoyable week yourself. This next week I’ll have to do a lot more, and hope it gets me somewhere. Until then, keep your wits about you.

Good luck guys



I decided against a title this week, my creative muscles for that are too tired. Speaking of tired, that’s how I feel already and the semester is just starting. Things have gone crazy so far, especially this week, but most of my concern is for things that happen online, I don’t do much in the real world because I’m introverted and don’t play well with people. So, possibly including the little things I did online, here’s what I did this week.

Monday: I had lab this week, that means that I got a chance to lick rocks, and to pour acid on rocks, you know the fun stuff. I also learned how to choke someone on stage, double fun.

Tuesday: Most of this day was spent online, I got back in touch with my crew and we’ve decided on a day to meet so we can start recording videos for a YouTube channel.

Wednesday: I learned how to stomp on someone’s foot for stage, it was quite fun and stuff. I also watched some Fairy Tail

Thursday: I was in such a rush to get out of school on this day, but before I even left for school I spent a ton of time fixing little things around the house.

Friday: This day was spent mostly on cleaning out my dresser, I’ll be moving soon and I needed to have things packed up. The rest of my day was spent on several things, firstly, one of my friends came over, secondly, one of my other friends bought me Starbound, which is fun. Thirdly, I finally got the chance to talk on the phone with someone whom I haven’t talked to in quite a while.

Saturday: This day was difficult, it was spent mostly doing things I didn’t want to do, my mom gets a little psycho when it comes to cleaning.

Sunday: Ah, Superbowl Sunday, I hate football by the way, it sucks. I know little to nothing about the sport itself, let alone the players. What I don’t like is the fans and their obsessive behaviors, too many quirks and shirtless fat people, not to mention the yelling. I already don’t like yelling and football just makes it worse. I spent the day living like a hermit in my room GMing, watching fairy Tale, playing Starbound, and writing.

That’s what my week looked like, nothing special. I hope that the month of February brings good tidings to me, I’d like to become a stable citizen who can live on his own. I’m going to enter a writing contest just to see what will happen, maybe a couple of them. I hope this week is a good one, although it’s really the people who make time good. Anyways, have a nice week, and as always, good luck.
