How Do I feel today?

Things are going do much faster now, and as always time is slipping away from me. This week we managed to accomplish a lot because we now have a storage shed to store our stuff in. This way when we move we’ll at least have all of our stuff. Anyways, it’s been a rush this week and I’ll be telling you how much I wish it didn’t go by so fast. Let’s have a look at my days.

Monday: First day of school after spring break, a lot of people didn’t show up for class this day. It was also St. Patrick’s day, which I enjoyed because I myself am 1/4 Irish. I never got pinched.

Tuesday: I spent some time filling out job applications on Tuesday, I really need to start working. I’m about to be 20 and I’ve never had a job, that says a lot about me.

Wednesday: I spent most of the day at school, which was fine with me because I find that even in crowds I’m alone enough to spend plenty of time thinking. I prefer thinking to social interaction.

Thursday: For me, it was hard to believe that my school week was over already at this point. I spent the day working on job applications.

Friday: Spent the day filling boxes, moving boxes, loading boxes, and taking boxes to the storage shed. It was a long day.

Saturday: Pretty much the same as Friday, we really need to get everything out of the house. I’ll even have to disassemble my desk this week.

Sunday: I finally was able to just chill on Sunday. I spend the day playing Kings and Legends, which I found to be quite a likable game.

That was my week, I know all the days are short this week, It’ll probably stay that way until after I’ve moved. Which should be soon, considering the circumstances. I hope to see my best friends again soon as well, It hasn’t been that long, but I’m beginning to feel dull. It has also been brought to my attention that I may be attending summer school at another school, just so that I can finish my degree. I was really hoping to be able to have summer break this year. Well as always, I wish you all the best of luck.

Good luck guys


Bored and Frustrated.

I feel like that determination that you get at the beginning of the year is starting to wear off. My remedy to this will need to be going out and getting somewhere with my life. I hope to be able to start earning some cash soon. Anyways, I’m getting tired of the way this blog looks, I’ll probably change the stuff to some other fandom pictures. Hopefully I’ll be more busy in the coming weeks, I’m starting to get bored with all this sitting around. Let me tell you what I did this week, although it’s quite boring.

Monday: I was not required to go to school on Monday because it was presidents day. That basically means I took another day off to watch fairy tail and play starbound.

Tuesday: My first day of school last week, I attended my geology class in which we had the first exam. I got a B, I’m proud of myself.

Wednesday: First I sat through my voice and diction class in which we began learning IPA. Then I did my stage combat class, although I was feeling rather low all day so I don’t think I was terribly into it. Then I did my stage makeup class, I tried to make it look like my face had some sort of disease, but I’m not terribly good at these things.

Thursday: Geology class again, this time we learned about a lot of volcano stuff. We also started learning the rock cycle.

Friday: My first free day, I basically sat about doing nothing, which means I was watching Fairy tail and playing starbound.

Saturday: I don’t like Saturdays, I spent the day packing for our upcoming move. It was quite exhausting.

Sunday: That’s today, well I managed to get ticked off and hide in my room playing starbound, that’s about it though.

Yeah, I really need to work on my people skills. I think that if I don’t get out and start living on my own sometime this year than I’ll go crazy. Thus I’m making that my goal, I’ll keep you posted on how that turns out for me. I hope you all have a more eventful week than I did.

Good luck guys



You know what, This week was pretty good. I sit here in front of my keyboard today feeling like I didn’t fail at everything this week. Like maybe I made a difference somewhere or that I may have done something important, I don’t know, my life just seems to be headed in a positive direction.

Sadly, I could not post my creative writing project this week, too much got in my way, but as I said before I’ll post it as soon as I can. I feel like my mind gets carried away sometimes, and I end up forgetting something, that may be why I seem to think I have such a workload. Either that or the fact that it’s the end of the semester, anyways, here is how my week went.

Monday: The only thing I remember from this day is that my spotlight manager called and asked me to work follow-spot again. 

Tuesday: I sat in a classroom talking about a play, other than that I really did nothing.

Wednesday: I think I was entirely stressed out on this day, I was so worried about my scene and all the other things I had to do, I really remember just being unnerved on Wednesday. In the end I didn’t even present my scene because we ran out of time.

Thursday: I spent the day cleaning the house and stuff, kind of sad for a Thursday but also typical.

Friday: Contemplating why Christmas commercials are already allowed to air before thanksgiving is even over. Also, my best friend couldn’t come over, which worked out fine because I ended up at another friend’s house anyways. We played halo and ate cupcakes, it was fun.

Saturday: Watched the 50th anniversary episode of Doctor Who of course, but then spent the day practicing my speech and scene.

Sunday: I spent today fearing for Monday, I think I’ll be okay, but my brain always dramatizes everything.

So yeah, I think I had a pretty good week, and I’m looking forward to the next one. I’m excited for thanksgiving, and I’ve only got about 3 weeks of school left to worry about. So all in all it’s going pretty good, I’ll see you all next week. (I use the word “see” figuratively of course since I can’t actually see you)

Until next time


Creative week

I assume that this next week will be fairly creative, I mean I’m basically spending the entire week writing or speaking or acting so…stuff. I’ve been inspired to take on a creative writing project that I should be posting as soon as I can, Although this week will be fairly busy, especially considering that my parent’s anniversary and then new doctor who episode are both this week. I also shall be attempting to hang out with my best friend on Friday, but there’s no guarantee there, I’ll figure that out tomorrow if I can. Anyway, I’m sure things will be fine but I am slightly worried about a few assignments that are due this week, and also a few people. Wow look at that, me with a genuine concern for people, I must be starting to enter into that thing that people call “being social.” Well, before I do myself in with self pity, here’s how my week was.

Monday: This was veteran’s day, I can’t remember what I did but I can remember that I didn’t have to go to school.

Tuesday: I recall being over tired and a little bleh at the fact that I had to go back to school. But we also watched a movie in class so it wasn’t too bad.

Wednesday: The long day, I actually quite enjoyed this day, I don’t know what it was but it certainly made everything seem fine. I also discovered that I suck at painting, because that’s what we did in shop on this day.

Thursday: Well this was kind of disappointing, there was so much more I wanted to get done this day that I didn’t get done. Fortunately I am able to do the rest of that over the weekend.

Friday: Film club was bad again, people didn’t show up, and also I forgot to send the e-mail. Not saying those had anything to do with each other…

Saturday: I ushered at the show again, but it was more interesting this time, first of all the other usher actually talked to me, and second there were way more of my friends there. Then I spent the night with my brother and a couple of our mutual friends, it’s interesting to go straight from a hookah lounge to a Walmart…

Sunday: Ah this day, you know I often find myself doing basically nothing on Sundays. Today though I wrote my speech and I did it in the poorest way I can Imagine, so i’ll definitely be working on that pretty soon.

I’m sorry I don’t write longer posts and stuff, but I just find myself at a loss for word as far as describing things goes, and I also find that I can’t remember most of the week. I’d post one every day, but then most days I really do nothing that great so It would just be a bunch of short posts and that is not something I like to write. I’ll be doing that creative project though as soon as I can, then if you care to read it you’ll hopefully see how much I can stretch my writing muscles. Also I should probably write these earlier in the day, because I literally write them right before I go to bed and that’s usually at about 11:00 PM in my time. So I’m gonna try to make this better and I hope that it will be greatly improved over winter break, but for now I leave you all to your thoughts.

Until next time


And so I find myself here again.

Well well, it has been quite a week and I’ve still got tons to do. Winter Break is coming up soon, and I may very well be busy throughout that time as well. For this week though, the question crossed my mind “Why do I like sandbox games so much?” It’s a good question too. I can understand the hype with sandbox games, the player can create anything that they wish, and they can slay monsters while doing that. But the question of why I play them is still up there, mostly because I suck at creating things. I think I get intimidated by the sheer amount of stuff that I could do, then I see the things that other people have done and I just decide that I can’t do anything. I usually just spend my time doing survival mode and basically just messing around because I suck at building. So I still wonder just why I play them. But anyway, that’s enough running through the dark twists in my head for now, let me tell you about my week.

Monday: I’m beginning to think these are being erased from my brain on purpose.

Tuesday: Average day, didn’t do anything special.

Wednesday: There was a rap artist at my church, and if I didn’t have a class in the way I would have been there. Oh yeah, we also finished the set for the play.

Thursday: So much excitement, I Designed a necklace which I had never done before.

Friday: Film club got nowhere because no one showed up, I actually Built that necklace that I designed, and then I went to a birthday Party for a dear friend. Funny story, that necklace was for her and I totally forgot it when I left my house, because I’m a derp. On the plus side though, I did meet a bunch of new people.

Saturday: I was an usher on this day, and it was great, the benefit of being an usher is getting to see the show for free. It was a great show too, it’s called “The desperate hours” It was entertaining.

Sunday: Nothing to do but write to you guys, man I wish I had a job.

Overall just another week in the life of Elliot, I would be more elaborate but it’s like 2 am and my brain is half asleep. I’ll post more next week, until then

Good luck


November Huh.

It’s November guys,  and I can say that I’m fairly scared and excited at the same time. My time is slipping away from me but that’s okay because the content of my time has not changed. I’m actually fairly excited to be getting on with the last bit of the semester, and I can’t wait to do my final scene in Acting I, it’s gonna be fun. Now let me tell you about my week.

Monday: God, is any Monday ever eventful, maybe I just can’t remember because I spend the entire day in a half-awake state…

Tuesday: This week we had a clean the house blitz because we had an insurance guy that was going to come over and we had to make everything shiny. So more or less I spent the entire day cleaning the house, most of it by myself. On the plus side we did get rid of those big noisy machines.

Wednesday: Wednesday was a bit of fun actually, I just sort of did what I did and spent nearly no time doing nothing, it was surprisingly refreshing to get out and do stuff.

Thursday: I think this was basically the one day this week I actually had to relax, and also to buy twinkies.

Friday: Film club meeting, those are always fun, also I spent the night at a friend’s house because of a 48-hour film challenge. We were the writing crew so I had to stay there and write.

Saturday: After a total lack of communication and no viable locations to shoot, we had to abandon our 48-hour project. It made me sad, on top of that I managed to explode a can of my dad’s favorite drink. I just had a bad day Saturday, but at least the new ‘Welcome to Nightvale’ was out.

Sunday: Ah this day was truly interesting, mostly I spent it playing Terraria, as I do most Sundays. But I also managed to watch Iron man 2 and Independence Day. Oh yeah and I also fixed a toilet.

Let me just tell you guys that it is not fun for a family of 8 to be sharing one bathroom, it sucks. I hope the repair guy gets out here soon. Anyways, here’s to hoping you’re having a better time than me right now.

Good luck guys


I’m Late Again.

I’m late in getting this out, mostly because I was just too sick to post anything last night. My brother brought home the cold virus and now it’s got me, so basically I’m not even at school today because I’m really sick. I greatly dislike being sick, but I don’t want to bore you with that so I’ll just give you the weekly rundown.

Monday: My COM100 Class was cancelled for the day, also we wrote, practiced, and produced a 1 minute play in about 2 hours, that was fun.

Tuesday: A very long day, mostly filled with Terraria, but also a little bit of Legend of Korra and Mystery Inc., so basically I did nothing productive.

Wednesday: Pop quiz, oh joy.

Thursday: Another long day that I did basically nothing on, other than clean up around the house.

Friday: Did I travel around the world? It sure felt like it. I went down to GCU to meet with their Film club “Digital Film Production”, then we waited around for like 2 hours for my brother to get out of class so he could take us home. Then we went suit shopping, and then I finally had time to relax.

Saturday: Another day of cleaning up the house, also having to watch my little brother and make sure he does the dishes.

Sunday: I was sick, I didn’t do anything.

So my week was mostly bland, Except on Friday, but life goes how life goes. Now I’m gonna go drink some hot tea and try to get rid of this stupid cold.

Good luck guys


I am not prepared.

Well, this week was full of stress, I spent the entire week doing homework, most especially writing a six-page paper on Anton Chekhov, add to that the need to take eye drops now and things get a little crazy. I don’t know if I can say much of anything for any day this week, but I can try.

Monday-Normal Monday, performed my open scene and did well. Also my late class was taken over by another teacher, and I’m worried about fulfilling my practicum hours.

Tuesday-Wrote a little bit about scenery, also spent a lot of the day on homework.

Wednesday-Typical Wednesday, go to school do homework and wash dishes.

Thursday-Talked about good women of Setzuan, also spent most of the day on homework.

Friday-Film Club, watched Hidden face, spent the rest of the day on homework.

Saturday-Still writing that paper, also I hate Saturdays because my family can never get along on a Saturday.

Sunday-I Finally got that paper done, it only took me all week.

Sorry for the rushed writing guys, I just feel rushed still, anyways I have no idea what to even look forward to this week, as far as I know it’s all gonna be normal.

Good luck guys


Long tiresome day.

Well, time for my weekly report, now I know that last week I said that nothing really big would probably happen this week. I was wrong about that, Lots happened this week. Let’s take a few minutes and reflect on it.

Monday-Well, as far as I know, nothing particularly big happened Monday, I went to school. That was about it.

Tuesday-Kinda the same, nothing really big happened.

Wednesday-I know, my week seems pretty boring thus far.


Friday-Almost there

Saturday-Aha! Here’s where the fun starts. OK, so on Saturday my sister was having her birthday party at my brother’s house. So I basically spent the entire day there among a pack of giggling middle school girls. Of course one of my friends was actually there as well, so that made it OK. Somehow, someway, It was decided that I would stay the night at his house, which I was okay with.

Sunday-Oh boy, so Sunday was the day that my brother and his roommate were gonna go drive a truck of stuff up to my brother’s roommate’s mother. So they were off schedule all day, my brother had no voice to speak of, plus we ran across my brother’s roommate’s brother, who’s basically the devil.

In the end, I’m glad to be back home, and I need to spend some time with my best friend, man I feel funny, I should probably get that checked.

Good luck


One more week, have I said that before?

Ok guys so let me just give you the rundown of the week. So on Monday I had school, on  Tuesday I had school, on Wednesday I had school, On Thursday I has school, On Friday my little brother turned 13, on Saturday I did nothing and today was my mom’s 50th birthday. Well, I’ve had quite the week. Also to top it off, I’ve been doing some research on the PCSX2 and discovered that you can also add cheats, which of course means I spent all of last night and today inputting codes and I’m still not done.

My only remaining teacher had surgery this week for his kidney, so I may or may not have class on Monday, it all depends on stuff and things. Also this week I managed to make a logo for myself and Photoshop Nicolas Cage onto my best friend.  Yeah it’s been kind of fun. I can’t wait for this week to be over though because that means that I have a break finally.

Anyways, I hope you all have good weeks as well and good luck to ya.
