Monday Post

I know I’m sorta breaking the tradition here by posting on a monday, however there are times when it gets to the end of a Sunday and I just tell myself “Dude, you can’t handle it right now.” It was one of those days yesterday. Oddly enough I had no homework or any assignments of any kind, and yet I found myself exhausted. It was probably the fact that I went to a wedding on Saturday, my two good friends finally got married. Now I have no problem with weddings (Though admittedly this was the first one I had attended.) but it is physically expensive for me. It’s not the fact that it’s a wedding per se, it’s the fact that it’s a social outing. Social outings are physically expensive for me, plus I did a bunch of other like heavy lifting and things over the weekend too.

My finals are next week and I feel as though I’ll never be ready for them. I also think that I have forgotten some things in favor of other things. For instance, I haven’t watched anime for a few weeks because I’ve been moving, also I got a dragon amulet so that’s been taking up a lot of my time as well. I also spent the last of my money today buying skyrim, which is great on steam because of all the mods n stuff. Right now, I’m not sure what I’m gonna do with myself, but I’m sure that I’ll get it all worked out somehow. I’ll see yall’ later though because I have some much needed sleep to attend to.

Good luck guys


20 years…

So, I am now 20 years old. Not saying much of course because nothing has really changed. I’ve managed to acquire another number on my name-card, but that’s about it. A lot of things happened this week, mostly education and stuff, but a few other things as well. Firstly, I went to an engagement party for a friend, it was fun. He was dressed as the 10th doctor and we played a lot of theater games and things. That was all fine and dandy of course. Now, I also had my birthday this week. I had 3 friends over and we did all kinds of fun things. We made cake and opened presents and played video games and stuff. That night though was really what got my attention this week. I went to a hookah lounge to hang out with one of my friends (Mind you, I don’t smoke the stuff). We ended up meeting some random girls, certain people got pretend drunk, and the night ended in a motorcycle crash that I was not a part of thank God.

Basically I had a very interesting weekend. In all this, I never really managed to get my homework done, I had no time. I think that I may be in a smidgen of trouble tomorrow, but nothing I can’t handle.

Good luck guys


Little boxes…and big ones.

Hello once again, I am back at the intersection of the weekend dying and the new week being born. I can say for sure that there are a few things this week that will keep me on my toes. For one, I’ll probably be presenting something that I should have spent more time working on, that’ll be tomorrow. Second, me and my sister are both having our birthdays this week which means lots of cake and stuff. Personally I just want school to be over so that I don’t have to deal with it anymore, but that will not happen for some time.

It’s occurred to me that my posts are probably a bit scattered and don’t make a whole lot of chronological sense. I can only say that this is because of the way my brain works. I write in these posts as things come to mind, so If I suddenly jump tracks, it is because that is how I thought of it.

Also this week is going to be the engagement party of a dear old friend, I know I said that last week, but the date got changed, it is now the day before my birthday.All in all I hope that I manage to get my stuff together this week, I still need a job and there are still a million boxes to unpack. It’s kind of a pain but it is also necessary.

I certainly hope you all have a productive week.

Good luck guys


Fell off the earth

So it has come to my attention that for a little while I may have faded out of existence. That’s okay though because I’m back now. I’ve been moving over the last two weeks and have either not had internet access, or haven’t had the time to post. I may even post a little slowly for a little while still, I’ve just moved into the new place and still have many boxes to unpack. For now, just know that I am alive and well and should get back into the proper swing of things soon.

Now then, let’s talk about what I have to look forward to this month. So one of my old friends is getting married and I have been invited to the engagement party. I don’t know when the wedding is but I’m happy for him of course. Also I will be presenting a short powerpoint on Jason statham, which I am excited for because it’s going to be hilarious. On top of all that is the joy of unpacking boxes, I have mixed feelings about it. It sucks to do all that work, but it’s also kinda like Christmas. Lastly, and possibly the most important, is my birthday! It’s the 19th of this month and I’m excited to be able to carve my own cake this year.

Anyways, I’ll keep you guys updated on how the unboxing goes and all that, but for now sleep. You deserve it.

Good luck guys,
