Feeling pretty good.

Well guys guess what, I just spent an entire weekend chilling with friends and had no little sisters to interrupt me. Even better, my Mom was gone too! So it was a lot of fun, I’m really chill and well rested and I hope that I do well on my midterms tomorrow because I think my brain can actually handle it for once. I went to Chipotle twice this weekend, it’s a good place to go, but I also had buy one get one free coupons. Which of course meant that my friends did the buying and I ate for free. Also I have re-acquired my GameCube, which has indeed kept my older brother entertained.

I have a bit of A story to tell about this weekend. My oldest brother also visited mostly because it was quiet all round the house. He drove us to chipotle the second time we went, after going inside and ordering food he realized that he had left the truck lights on. He went outside to turn them off and came back in saying he had locked the keys in the car. Normally it’s not that big of a deal because my dad can just get on his motorcycle and come bail us out, here was the problem. My dad’s motorcycle is still all screwed up from when he crashed earlier this year, and on top of that none of us had a working phone. Fortunately one of the nice guys at chipotle also worked for the AAA and was able to our door open. To just put the icing on the cake, after all this my brother discovered the keys had been in his pocket the whole time. Me and my best friend had to give him the epic face-palm, he failed.

Has anyone else ever had cheese pizza flavored mac and cheese? It tastes really odd, I had some earlier it really tastes odd.

Overall I think I had a great weekend and I’m glad I was able to. I hope you all have a great week.

Stay chill my freinds


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